Explore Gurudev's knowledge series commentaries through live, online sessions led by Art of Living Instructors.

Take Your Practice to the Next Level with a Wisdom Series

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Building upon the foundation of your daily practice, taking some time each week to sit with wisdom can transform your life even further. Wisdom gives you a broader vision of life and a new perspective, one that brings clarity, peace, and joy. All meetings feature Gurudev’s commentary, which helps bring the knowledge to life.

To get started, check the schedule below, which lists talks by day and by topic. All meetings are in the evenings and are offered most weeknights for convenience. In the listing, you’ll find a link to register and join. Once you find a series that speaks to you and works for your schedule, we recommend sticking with that series for some time in order to go deeper.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Ready to become even more solid in your path and practice? Tune into one of the most unique spiritual conversations that has ever happened on the planet! Ashtavakra Gita provides an invaluable resource for those seeking to ponder life’s big questions, the nature of our mind and how to find even greater freedom.

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Streaming Details:

🔔 Time: 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT
1 hour 10 minutes
Andrew Keaveney

About Andrew

Monday Nights: 

The Path of Full Blossoming—Ashtavakra Gita

Join us as we explore key verses of the Bhagavad Gita and uncover their deeper meanings. Learn how to apply these timeless teachings to your daily life, gaining clarity, resilience, and inner peace along the way. Whether you're new to the Bhagavad Gita or a seasoned practitioner, this series offers a supportive space for deepening your understanding and integrating its wisdom into your life.

Restarting SoonAbout Rajshree

Tuesday Nights: 

Wisdom in Action, from the Bhagavad Gita

*Past sessions will be made available on YouTube.

Streaming from LA with Rajshree

🔔 Time: 9pm ET / 6pm PT
1 hour 15 minutes
Rajshree Patel

The Yoga Sutras offer timeless wisdom that can help you discover your Self. In the Yoga Sutras commentary, Gurudev explains in depth the key concepts outlined by sage Patanjali over 2,000 years ago. This includes exploring the universal mental patterns that develop and influence our perceptions, the consciousness that is the silent witness, what meditation practice truly is and how all this wisdom can be applied to our daily lives to help us navigate the challenges and complexities of modern existence. Whether you are a dedicated yoga practitioner or you are just someone interested in exploring the depths of human consciousness, the Yoga Sutras provide a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

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🔔 Time: 8pm ET / 5pm PT
1 hour
Jim Larsen

About Jim

Wednesday Nights: 

The Path of Union—the Yoga Sutras

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🔔 Time: 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT
1 hour 15 minutes
Annelies Richmond and Dr. RoseMarie Toussaint

Prerequisite: SKY Breath Meditation

Annelies & RoseMarie

Awaken a wellspring of love in your life as we explore the Bhakti Sutras together. This series looks into questions of: what is the nature of love? How do we keep love alive within us? How can we make our lives richer, with more joy and juice? And what is Divine love? We’ll combine Gurudev’s commentary, time for Q & A, and interactive exercises.

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Streaming Details:

🔔 Time: 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT
1 hour
Andrew Keaveney

About Andrew

Monday Nights: 

Walking the Path with Heart—the Bhakti Sutras